jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

Importance of family

We understand family to the primary group of human beings. This is so because the family acts as the first group of people with whom the human being born comes into contact. The family is the group responsible for caring for and protecting the baby but also to integrate into the world and make it through teaching practices, rules and standards of living, can successfully adapt to the needs of society
The family composition varies from society to society, country to country, from region to region, and may in some cases be very large and in many others only limited power stations or nuclear members: father, mother and children. Conventionally it is understood by side uncles, cousins, nephews grandparents and relatives. Then we can also mention family policy, ie one that is not established based on blood relationships: brother in law, daughter-in-law, son in law, godchildren, etc.

The importance of family is mainly on two fundamental pillars for the existence of human being: on the one hand, the family provides the newborn protection, care and affection, teaching him through those rules things of behavior, where the danger is, what things not to do, how to be healthy, how to be healthy, which means every sensation, etc. This is because a baby (of any kind, not only human) to be abandoned without any care or protection of potential hazards could not survive alone. For humans, care and protection of parents is necessary until the age of adulthood, at which time it is understood that the person can already make use and take care of themselves (in terms of age, adulthood varies from country in the country but is usually set around 16 to 18 years).

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